I'm going.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Following My Path
I'm going.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Pulling Back a Bit for Understanding
The super busy season at work is almost upon us. I'm going to get as much done today as I can and then get mini-projects done throughout the weeks. This is my last day off for 8 days, so I'm going to be blogging a lot less. I'm determined to keep up my Github and Stackoverflow streaks, though. I've got to be able to find an hour or two to carve out for learning each day. It can't be impossible. :)
Enough blogging, time to work. Wish me luck - it's going to be a crazy month or so but I'm going to make it through with a couple of mini-projects under my belt (and perhaps a bit of a sleep dept to pay off down the line...) :D
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Getting Ready for Tonight's ADA After Hours
After a bit of Googling and digging into Stackoverflow questions, I found a link posted by PriankaK in a question on SO, (shockingly) called "Getting Started with rspec." (Imagine that.) The link led me to a blog on automated testing techniques by none other than Jeff Nyman! So, I'm poring over it, trying out a "testing spike", cramming in as much knowledge as I can on rspec and then I'll be able to actually start the "warm up" of writing a Hamming module. Yeay!
Things are going to start getting very frustrating. It's the uber-busy season at work (yeay, retail!) but I'm hopeful that I can catch up a bit when ADA starts working on Javascript (I will hopefully have less studying to do in order to complete those assignments.)
Back to work, but I wanted to share the link to Nyman's blog. It looks like it's going to be a very helpful source of info for me and may be for future learners, too. :D
OMG I did it:
# Implement a Hamming Class here:
class Hamming
def Hamming.compute(strand1, strand2)
diff = 0
if strand1 == strand2
puts "they match"
length = strand1.length <= strand2.length ? strand1.length : strand2.length
for i in (0..(length-1)) do
if strand1[i] != strand2[i]
diff += 1
return diff
Excuse me while I vacuum up the yak hairs...
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
The Next Five Days
I have also signed up to help out at the next Seattle Railsbridge event on December 13th. It's a little crazy and definitely not something I would normally do (who the heck am I to go help teach people, right?) but doing what I usually do is what has kept me stuck in a soul-sucking "temporary" job. Taking big steps right out of my comfort zone should help me break out of this. :) After finishing the Installfest and Beginner Railsbridge
I don't have any original code yet (it's all been based on the tutorials and is posted at Github, but I will have something original soon (I hope :D.) It's time to get back to work.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Days Like This
On days like this, ambition just makes me sad.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Needing a Step Between Beginner and Intermediate
I finished the Suggestotron three times on Railsbridge and was pumped and ready to tackle my next challege, so I started the intermediate level.
And got stuck.
Majorly, completely stuck. I figured out how to create the controller and even managed to install Devise, but I had no clue of what to do next. So, I found a tutorial by Michael Hartl called (fittingly enough) The Ruby on Rails Tutorial. It's very take-you-by-the-hand and I've been able to skim a few sections but I've also picked up a few tricks along the way, too. (And, with the help of the comments section at Coderwall, specifically the comment by bnlucas, I was able to set up my path to allow me to open Sublime with the wonderfully succinct `subl`.)
I've only 45 mintues before my "day" job, so I'm heading back in the fray. Wish me luck!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
So Much To Cover...
Ada Developers Academy has created an "After Hours" lab once a week to give Adies and those playing at home an opportunity to talk code and get and give help outside of classroom hours. I went last week and it was so great! I didn't plan enough time for my commute (I forgot just how busy downtown Seattle gets during rush hour) so I arrived late, but it was wonderful to get out and meet actual people who are working on this! :D
I'm still working my way through the ADA curriculum as best as I can. They've modified it so that much of the actual curriculum and assignments are posted on a private LMS so that the class has a safe haven for homework and discussions. GitHub now posts the lesson plans for teachers, but I think I can make this work. I'm fighting my way through the Railsbridge Suggestotron curriculum now, after getting majorly tripped up by using an underscore instead of a dot!! (Love those typos!)
Which brings me to the last bit I wanted to post this morning. Last night I listened to the latest Hanselminutes. "Bugs Considered Harmful with Douglas Crockford" was terrific. One of the many (opinionated, of course! :D) things he
Goodbye for now, back to coding...
Monday, November 4, 2013
Not Behind, But...
I'm following along with the Ada Developers Academy curriculum, but, as could be expected, I'm still on Lesson 1. I'm trying very, very hard to not beat myself up. I'm attempting a course designed to be worked intensely full time and I'm working it around 50 hour work weeks and a family. It would be a sign of a bad curriculum if I could just breeze through it in an hour or two a day. (And it's clearly not a bad one!!)
Enough whining. Back to the books. Thanks to the wondrous King County Library System, I was able to get two of the three ADA books through inter-library loan. I have three weeks to work through both of them, so I need to get back to work. Hopefully I can catch up a bit with ADA once they start JavaScript. (I also have a link for Reg Braithwait's JavaScipt Allonge that's been calling my name and I'm looking forward to that.)
Hackbright Academy retweeted one of their students yesterday:
My life is so beautifully different from what is was ~6 months ago. Feeling somewhat victorious.
— Meagan Gamache (@mgngmch) November 3, 2013
Inspiring and majorly jealousy-inducing at the same time. I can't wait to be able to say something like that. And that's why I'm up at 4am on a night that I close so that I can eke out just a tiny bit more coding and learning time. I'll get there. Like toddlers growing up multi-lingual, it's going to take me longer. But once I'm there, look out, world!
Monday, October 28, 2013
I'm Getting Somewhere
Here's a recent conversation I had with Bob.
$ ruby chat.rb temp_logfile.txt
Hello there, I'm Bob.
Hi, there. I'm Jaime.
you are
Yes, Bob. I am me.
I don't understand you.
What does me mean?
Type 'skip' if you don't want to teach me that word right now.
I know this is just a tiny, tiny step forward but like an ugly baby, it's beautiful to me.
Friday, October 25, 2013
One Bit Works, Now the Rest
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Just a Thought
It suddenly occurred to me: my free trial of Azure may be over, but what's stopping me from using AWS for a virtual Linux box?
More to follow soon...
Monday, October 21, 2013
Weakly Post
When I have to choose between coding and blogging, I'm trying hard to choose coding. Thus, the radio silence for the past week.
I've tried to install Linux on a partition on both my laptop and the family computer but haven't had much success. From my research, I see that installing Linux on older iBooks can create all sorts of WiFi issues, so I was scared off from that route before I even tried. (Working with the busted-up keyboard and it's half-missing keys reminded me why I retired Wall-e in the first place.)
I'm going to defer applying for Gnome's Outreach project for another six months. I'm continuing my work through the Ruby the Hard Way book, though, and I'm in the beginning stages of building a little chat bot website (yes, it's been done before but not yet by me.) I've plunked the start of it over at GitHub here and here. I'm also looking into WGU again. I'd love feedback from people with first-hand experience!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
If I've Learned Only One Thing From StackOverflow...
Every single time that I've been stumped by some odd error message or unexpected behavior in a program and then Google it, the first (and sometime the first several) listings are all on StackOverflow. Many of the answers help (some don't) but nearly every time, I see some other purportedly skilled programmer has had the same exact problem that I'm having. Or this problem.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Sweet Child(ren) of Mine
I spent the evening after work baking brownies and coding writing mini Ruby programs of silly questions with my kids. Initially, my seven year old was rather miffed that I kept insisting that we type in responses to each multiple choice question. Once she got to see the program in action, she could see that it was fun to enter in the "wrong" answer to get a "try again" from the computer. She got to learn something about logic and I got to complete an exercise in the Ruby book!
Tomorrow I will attempt to load Linux into my old iBook. Wish me luck!
Friday, October 11, 2013
More Coding Than Blogging
The past few days have been filled with frustration. My work has left me with very little time to code. This has the double edge of leaving me too tired to be super-efficient with the bits of time I can steal and angry that my work is effectively trapping me by not allowing me to develop the skills I need to finally escape from it.
Gnome has started Round 7 of their Outreach Program for Women. When it became clear last spring that I didn't yet have the technical skills to apply, I promised myself that I would apply for the next round. Whether through Imposter Syndrome or self-awareness, I don't really feel like I have the skills now.
This insecurity kept me from clicking the button to start my application for the Ada Developers Academy, as well, though. If I had powered through the uncertainty and taken the risk, I would have seen the deadline time and could possibly be interviewing for a spot right now. I am determined to not lose another chance like that again.
So, in addition to finishing the Ruby book (I completed 12 exercises today!) and starting the rest of the ADA curriculum, I'm adding to my current Five Day Plan to install a Linux distro on my old (older than two of my children old) I Book. All of the Gnome OPW projects use Linux (an open source OS is pretty key ;) )
I know this is a lot and I'm not really sure how I'm going to do it, but I won't keep doing what I've been doing. I don't have the resources to simply quit my job (to many people count on me) but I deserve a little happiness in my job, too.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The Next Five Days
After hitting a neighborhood of speed bumps with the last two exercises, I haven't written any code over the last day. Exercise 23 in Learn Ruby the Hard Way instructs us to visit GitHub and read some Ruby code that we can find there. Obviously, I choose to delve further into the Ada Dev Academy repo :).
I dutifully kept a list of symbols, words, expressions, etc, that I didn't understand. (What does :variable mean?) I surprised myself by understanding a little more than I expected and could guess the meaning of a few things (do |t| is some kind of enumeration?) I'm sure I will find out soon. (And will search once I'm on a real computer and not just my phone!)
More realistically, I expect to finish the next 15 exercises or so by Tuesday. I have my new workflow in place: read an exercise, write the code, test it, push it up to GitHub then work on the next iteration in the extra credit work. That will give me the practice I need on git and the Ruby book.
And I'm off!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
What You Give Is What You Git
Monday, October 7, 2013
When You Need Inspiration, Turn on Ruby Rogues
I like the Ruby Rogues podcast so much that I started regularly listening to them before I started studying Ruby. After an ill-timed phone call at home from my boss, I needed a little turnaround before I took to bed with Cracked.com and avoided the world until it was time to report to work. So, I turned on BeyondPod and brought up the latest Ruby Rogues podcast, all about company loyalty and curating your own career and, as usual, a bunch of other great gems. (Pun totally not intended.)
Ah... that's better.
I was feeling rather discouraged about my sprint through Learning Ruby the Hard Way. I underestimated the amount of time it would take me to complete it and overestimated the amount of time I would be able to steal from other parts of my life to work on it. That has left me far behind my little Five Day Plan. The good news is that I'm still at it. And, because my plan includes pushing all of my code up to GitHub, I'm being certain to complete every extra credit assignment. I read somewhere that you'll write better code if you know someone else is going to read it and that certainly seems true for me!
TTFN, I'll write more soon.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
I Am Going to Code Today
I just finished writing a post entitled "I Did Not Code Today," but a "network connection" error on my phone stopped the post from publishing. As it sat there in my notifications list, it seemed liked a second chance to end today on a really good note.
So, here I am, blogging instead of coding. Time to pull out the keyboard and get to work!
Friday, October 4, 2013
My Five Day Plan
I squeezed in a bit of coding today and completed a review of Exercise 15 and nearly all of Exercise 16 (including the extra credit). I'm off tomorrow, but so is the rest of the family, so I'll be able to get in an hour or so.
If I really push it, I can finish up the rest of the book sometime on Tuesday. Then I'll start pushing my code samples and exercise scripts up to GitHub. I'll start Bash from the Ada curriculum after that.
I realize that this isn't most scintillating set of blog posts, but right now it's serving it's purpose to keep me on track. I'll have something more interesting to say soon.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
No Excuses
I just discovered a Ruby for Android app in the app store: Ruboto. It looks like I may have just lost my whiny "I was on the bus all day so I couldn't code" excuse. This should be interesting. Now let's see what I can do with GitHub on here!
No Code Day
The Freelancer's Show had a book club episode on "Book Yourself Solid" by Michael Port. He talked lot about networking and general business building, but he did touch on how important it is to do work that is important to you and to avoid working with clients that burn you out.
And that's a big party of why I'm
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Day Two of My Fork of the Ada Developers Academy
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Procrastination Sucks
I think I may have finally found what will break me of my procrastination habit. I missed the application deadline for the Ada Developers Academy by a few hours because I was too afraid to actually start submitting the application. I read the assignment, created and even uploaded the YouTube video, everything. My fear held me back.
Luckily, the ADA curriculum is open sourced on Github, so I'm following along. I'm working through Learn Ruby the Hard Way right now. I'm planning to use the overall timing structure of the ADA to keep me on track and focused and put a little fire under me. When it comes time for the real ADA students to start their internships, I'm going to take a deep breath and find something that at least resembles an internship for myself. I have no problem advocating for my kids. It's time I did it for myself, too.
So, back to work. I'm going to blog along the way. (And if I have to create an entry that says "I sucked and didn't do any learning today," I will. Just one of those that pop up on a Google search should keep me in the game.
Edited to add: my favorite little pep talk bit from Learn Ruby the Hard Way is this:
- Remember that everyone makes mistakes. Programmers are like magicians who like everyone to think they are perfect and never wrong, but it's all an act. They make mistakes all the time.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Here We Go Again
I'm back in the saddle, applying to the Ada Developers Academy. I'm a little stuck on creating a video (I'm of the older generation that created presentations on poster boards, so I'm a little out of my comfort zone.) I need to reach way back to my drama days and come up with something awesome. I happily (but only briefly) distracted myself with submitting a pull request to fix a typo on the website. I'm not sure if that's the best way to draw attention to my application, but I would never have been bold enough to do that in the past. And my old ways of thinking and doing haven't gotten me where I want to be, so it's time to try another way.
Enough blogging in an attempt to avoid real work. Wish me luck!!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The next big item on my agenda is Microsoft's Windows Azure Developer Challenge. I'm part-way through step 1 and will co-post my progress here. Finishing two more Udacity courses are also bubbling up through my backlog.
Finally, remember how I said Ruby's cool? Wow. I'm giving myself a crash course in Ruby (and then Rails) and then I'm applying for the Rails Summer of Code project. And training in Mozilla's #teachtheweb project.
I think I've got a few projects to keep me from getting too bored. Idle hands, after all... ;)
-- edited to fix bad link, 4/30/13 7:30am PDT
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Open Source is Hard. Let's Go Blogging!
I feel defeated.
I've found lots of awesome projects (this was a great starting point and I'm sure I've barely scratched the surface). But after sifting through the pages and pages on Bugzilla, et al, (and even successfully reproducing one bug) I'm still lost as to what to do next.
I'm taking a little solace in the wonderful Scott Hanselman's post on being a phony. I trust that after all of his experience, he knows what he's talking about and that it's these moments of being in over your head that result in growth.
Back on the horse I go... wish me luck!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Quick Catch Up
I passed my exam (woo-hoo!) so now I get all kinds of email recommending the next five exams I should take. I'm working on a mini-paint program but it's not quite ready for prime time yet, so for now it's a learning project. I'm also working through my huge Pocket queue. More will come soon....
P.S. As long as I'm on here, here's the code I'm working on. It's really rough but it's a start.
<title>Mom's Mini Paint Game</title>
body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
aside {
position: relative;
float: right;
margin-right: 25px;
padding: 0px;
canvas {
border: 1px solid black;
#palette > div {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
/*display: inline-block;*/
#red { background-color: red; }
#orange { background-color: orange; }
#yellow { background-color: yellow; }
#green { background-color: green; }
#blue { background-color: blue; }
#violet { background-color: Violet; }
#indigo{ background-color: Indigo; }
#erase { background-color: inherit; }
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="1000px" height="690px">
<p>Press F5 or click refresh to start over<p>
<p>Your mouse is at: <span id="status"></span></p>
<div id="palette">
<div id="red"></div>
<div id="orange"></div>
<div id="yellow"></div>
<div id="green"></div>
<div id="blue"></div>
<div id="violet"></div>
<div id="indigo"></div>
<div id="erase" class="erase">ERASE</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var clicked = false;
var $document = $(document);
$('#status').html(e.pageX +', '+ e.pageY);
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var colorChoice = "";
var eraseFlag = false;
//select a color
$('#palette > div').on("click", function() {
var $this = $(this);
colorChoice = $this.css("background-color");
if ($this.hasClass('erase')) {
eraseFlag = true;
colorChoice = '#FFFFFF'; //erase hack
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event){
clicked = true;
context.moveTo(event.pageX, event.pageY);
}, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event){
if (clicked === true){
context.strokeStyle = colorChoice;
if (eraseFlag) {
context.lineWidth = 10;
context.lineTo(event.pageX, event.pageY);
}, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', function(){
clicked = false;
}, false);
Monday, January 28, 2013
Starting Fresh at P2PU's School of Webcraft
Starting Fresh at the School of Webcraft
I'm starting fresh with the P2PU School of Webcraft linked over at Mozilla. One of the first challenges is to blog your progress, so here I am.
I'm not giving up completely on Codecademy and I've already signed up for the Parallel Computing course over on Udacity. I need to try something to hone my HTML5 that's a little less frustrating than Codecademy and it's many