Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blood From A Stone

Each day, we all perform a careful balancing act, deciding (either mindfully or not) how we will use the 1,440 minutes we have for the day. From multitasking to single-tasking, waking at 4am to burning the midnight oil and only crawling beneath the sheets when dawn arrives, everyone has their own solution.

For some of us, our work and school schedules dictate for us where our "free" time will land on the face of the clock. When that time comes in oddly-sized chunks (that 35 minutes you might have between one appointment and another) or at off-kilter and unpredictable times (swing shift workers unite! Oh, wait a minute, that's another topic.) Those are the times when making the time for our (unpaid) priorities can feel like we're wringing blood from a stone.

The solution is
Hey, I'll share when I find one if you promise to do the same!

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