Monday, October 27, 2014

Rails Rumble is Over, Back to Code

Rails Rumble is officially over, so I can get back to working on my FML app. Unsurprisingly, I wasn't able to complete it in the ten hours I had to work on it after work each night during the competition. I've given myself until the end of October to finish at least a decent MVP.

Here's where I am right now:

I'll keep chugging away and I'll check in from time to time. Soon I will have some posts about the SeaGL conference last weekend, as well as my talk! (It was a first talk, it was a first talk, it was a first talk... ;) ).

Friday, October 17, 2014

And So It Begins

I've finished zizzer-zoofing for the night and it's finally time to start coding for my Rails Rumble submission. My app is the scratch-my-own itch list-compiler/downloader app that I've been thinking about for over a year now. (Aptly enough, it's called Fix My List, or FML for shortsies :D.)

Enough gabbing, time to code. Wish me luck!

Friday, October 10, 2014

A Year Ago Today (Part II)

I suppose I could write 365 of these kind of posts, but I realized today that I've hit something of a milestone:

With the exception of that awful spot during Hell Season for retail workers, I've got a year full of contributions on GitHub. I have some patches here and there, but those are actually from working off the master branch on different projects (or when I crumpled up my paper by deleting repos and started over.)

I don't have much to say right now, but back to work. I'll post some links to my Zombie Floss app once it's live.