Thursday, November 8, 2012


Nothing else beats that feeling of finally, finally, finally getting something to work. (Especially when it's something relatively simple but completely new to you!) I'll have something post-able soon (hopefully some time tomorrow.)

As a side note, it was great fun letting the littlest one type away in a string in the source file to show her how everything you do in the editor can have a big impact on the screen. Now she can brag that she's been coding since she was six!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I Can Really Shake 'Em Now

Ok, I'm back, at least.  Still working on the Twist coding.

I took a little hiatus to deal with massive changes at my day job.  I'm picking up again with the Software Testing course on Udacity and trying (again) with Codecademy.  (I'm hopeful that finishing Douglas Crockford's book will help me avoid the wacko problems I was having on that site.)

More will follow soon - back to the keyboard!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Python Learning Links (Brief - It's Finals Time)

Someone on Udacity posted a link for a great website for debugging python code.  :D

MIT's Python Tutorial De-bugger

In related news, Udacity has also posted their course listing for the next hexemester.  Wow - talk about self-editing!  It's going to be tough to choose just one!

Udacity's Courses Starting June 25th

Wednesday, April 18, 2012



I didn't have enough to study (ha!) so I started two courses on  We're working on regular expressions, a topic I have heard a lot about but never really learned before.  Wow!!  I don't want to waste any more time posting, so I'll get back to studying.


Friday, April 13, 2012

The Wonders of Modern (?) Technology

I've already complained a bit about Wally, my ancient little G4 iBook with half the keys missing.  It makes working on the projects on CodeYear more than a little challenging, so I decided today to try spending a little time on the site at our local libarary.  My local library is absolutely awesome: great collection, great inter-library borrowing and holds system, tons of fairly good computers.

Computers that only run IE 8, which won't run CodeYear.


Friday, March 30, 2012

Intuitive(?) User Interfaces and Windows 8

According a recent article over at Ars Technica, the new "hot corners" design is so confusing to us ancient mouse-and-keyboard users (hang on, gotta get the phone, the tape on my answering machine is full) that a tutorial will automatically load the first time the OS is started.

How is that an intuitive UI?

I Did It!

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Exercise_7_4
    class Point
        public int x;
        public int y;
        public Point(int x, int y)
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
        public void DisplayPoint()
            Console.WriteLine("In DisplayPoint()");
            Console.WriteLine("Point at ({0},{1})", x, y);
    class Square
        Point topLeft;
        Point topRight;
        Point bottomLeft;
        Point bottomRight;
        public Square(Point startingPoint, int sideLength)
            this.topLeft = new Point(startingPoint.x, startingPoint.y);
            this.topRight = new Point(startingPoint.x + sideLength, startingPoint.y);
            this.bottomLeft = new Point(startingPoint.x, startingPoint.y - sideLength);
            this.bottomRight = new Point(startingPoint.x + sideLength, startingPoint.y - sideLength);
        public void DisplaySquare()
            Console.WriteLine("In DisplaySquare()");
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Point myPoint = new Point(3, 4);
            Square mySquare = new Square(myPoint, 5);
            //to keep console window open to view output

Output:  (really basic, I know...)
In DisplayPoint()
Point at (3,4)
In DisplaySquare()
In DisplayPoint()
Point at (3,4)
In DisplayPoint()
Point at (8,4)
In DisplayPoint()
Point at (3, -1)
In DisplayPoint()
Point at (8, -1)

There are a ton of things I want to refactor (including the order in which the points are "drawn"), but I'm just so happy I got it!  :D

Oh, What's the Point?

Ha, ha, I made a punny

No, it doesn't work yet, but I'm still at it.  Now I have to finish it or my failure will be forever entombed in internet archives...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Exercise_7_4
    class Point
        public int x;
        public int y;

        public Point(int x, int y)
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;

        public void DisplayPoint()
            Console.WriteLine("Point at ({0},{1})", x, y);

    class Square
        Point topLeft;
        Point topRight;
        Point bottomLeft;
        Point bottomRight;

        public Square(Point startingPoint, int sideLength)
            this.topLeft.x = startingPoint.x;
            this.topLeft.y = startingPoint.y;
            this.topRight.x = startingPoint.x + sideLength;
            this.topRight.y = startingPoint.y;
            this.bottomLeft.x = startingPoint.x;
            this.bottomLeft.y = startingPoint.y - sideLength;
            this.bottomRight.x = startingPoint.x + sideLength;
            this.bottomRight.y = startingPoint.y - sideLength;

        public void DisplaySquare()
            Console.WriteLine("I don't know what to put in DisplaySquare yet.");

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Point myPoint = new Point(3, 4);

            Square mySquare = new Square(myPoint, 5);

            //to keep console window open to view output

Still trying... :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Keeping Myself On Task

It's embarrassing and corny, but I'm going to start posting all of my excercises from Liberty's C# book on my blog.  CodeYear has built-in nags and bells that keep you working on the exercises, and I can access the site from Wally.  It's been too easy to use the excuse that it's hard to book time on the "big" computer (which can run Visual Studio) and simply read and make notes for C#.

Without further ado (because writing a clever post would be just one more thing to delay me), here is what I'm working on right now:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Exercise_7_2
    class Math
        public static void Add(int num1, int num2)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", num1, num2, num1 + num2);
        public static void Subtract(int num1, int num2)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} = {2}", num1, num2, num1 - num2);
        public static void Multiply(int num1, int num2)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} X {1} = {2}", num1, num2, num1 * num2);
        public static void Divide(int num1, int num2)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} = {2}", num1, num2, num1 / num2);
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Math.Add(1, 2);
            Math.Subtract(3, 2);
            Math.Multiply(3, 5);
            Math.Divide(81, 9);
            // to keep the little console window open :)

edited to show slight change in code...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Tools For Creation, Tools For Consumption

Back in January, Jeff Blankenberg blogged about the importance of being creators in our society and not merely consumers of other's creations. His post was a big motivator for me to finally get serious about developing my programming skills and getting to a place where I can be paid to do what I love.

I was reminded of his post when I saw the latest commercial for Samsung's XL Phone/Tablet hybrid. After whining a bit about how  inconveniently big it is for a *mobile* phone, I started wondering if it could successfully replace a, small netbook our laptop.  In the commercial, the XL is depicted as a fabulous, fast and handy tool for finding and organizing football stats. It's shown as a terrific tool for consumption.  From my (limited) experience, that's what phones and tablets are best at.

Yes, it is possible (with great effort) to create with a phone or tablet. (I am "swyping" this blog post on my phone, hence the funny formatting and odd typos.)  However, these devices are clearly better equipped to serve as content delivery tools.  Add to this Apple's announcement that last month they sold more tablets than HP and Dell sold computers  *all year* in 2011, and the shift in technology seems all the more sinister. I don't want to live on the Axiom (WALL-e, 2008) with amazing content available at my fingertips, but no easy way to actually create something. You probably don't, either.

Perhaps I'm just a dinosaur, complaining about the lack of a good keyboard (and video rental stores).  Graphic artists, enlighten me on the creative possibilities of the handheld computers that arts rapidly replacing laptops and desktops...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Joys and !Joys of Code Year

I love's Code Year. I really do. I look forward to every Monday (at about 9:30 am PST) when that lovely email arrives in my inbox, announcing the release of that week's lesson.

That said, ARGH! I took a little break from the lessons when my previously accepted code kept getting "oops, try again" errors. (ARGH!)  I picked it up again this morning on Wally, my ancient little iBook G4. It worked beautifully for about two hours. Then the nonsensical error messages started up again.


Back to C#, I guess. There's always the new MIT RELATE physics course...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Switch On, Switch Off

I really, truly, completely can't stand switch statements.  Just sayin'.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Weekly Post-Code Year Let Down

Just finished this week's Code Year lessons.  <sigh> It's like finishing a good book and all you want is more...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How's the Water?

Dipping my toes in, I'm listening to this.developer's life, reading back issues of MSDN magazine and starting the Project Euler. (Many thanks to tombatron for turning me on to them!)

Edited to add:
How could I forget Code Year?  It's only JavaScript right now, but they have tantalizing labs for Python and Ruby.  And working through Jesse Liberty's Learning C# 3.0 (I know there's a 4.0 ...)